Saturday, October 11, 2008

UNC gets $7M grant for muscular dystrophy research

Hey everyone,

Good news in the world of medicine. My firend and fellow mom posted this news to her blog
Here is a link to the press release. It's not a cure, but it's proof that the fight is stronger than ever and that these kids have not been forgotten about.
They say there will be a cure in our lifetime. Please keep praying.^1713258&brthrs=1


Friday, October 10, 2008


Now more than ever will I be thankful.
Thankful for my boys, my joys.
Their eyes are full of love, hearts full of warth
Their little bodies holding them back
Leaving them unable to ride their toys.
His little legs, trying to just hold him up
Nothing about this is fair
But then, who said anything about fair.
I love my boys more than anything in this world
I sit here still devastated by this world.
None of this is getting any easier
The person who said that time heals all, must have not had sick kids.
With all of this I am so very thankful for my boys
Enjoy this Thanksgiving and make a prayer
To keep your kids healthy, then you will not have to bear
The sadness of knowing my hollidays may be limited
With my beautiful children who I adore!

Kiss your kids, please!
